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We help people with disabilities achieve a high quality of life.

Government benefit programs like SSI are vital for many people with disabilities, but do not allow beneficiaries to have more than $2,000 in assets.  Special Needs Trusts are a legal, affordable way for people with disabilities to use, save, and invest money beyond these limits.

I Have A Disability

I want to learn how to keep my government benefits after I've received money from an inheritance, legal settlement, or GoFundMe.

I Have A Family Member With A Disability

I want to learn more about how I can plan ahead financially for my child (or other family member) with a disability.

I'm A Professional

I want to know how JLA Trust can fit into my clients' estate and financial planning needs.

Spotlight On Budgeting: Good Spending & Saving Principles for People with Disabilities
Spotlight On: Securing the Future. Personal Wealth Management Strategies for Families of People with Disabilities
Introducción a los beneficios gubernamentales y los fideicomisos para necesidades especiales
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Click here for a Chinese factsheet!
Spotlight On Budgeting: Good Spending & Saving Principles for People with Disabilities
Spotlight On: Securing the Future. Personal Wealth Management Strategies for Families of People with Disabilities
Introducción a los beneficios gubernamentales y los fideicomisos para necesidades especiales
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Click here for a Chinese fact sheet!
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